Raising the bar

SPCA’s animal welfare certification raises the bar of welfare for New Zealand’s animals in both the farming and pet care sectors.

When choosing SPCA Certified® consumers are assured that they are helping raise standards of care well beyond legal requirements as well as providing a good life for New Zealand’s animals.

Our standards

Our Standards are based on The Five Domains of Animal Welfare

Two commonly used models for evidence-based animal welfare are the Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare and Five Domains of Animal Welfare.

The Five Freedoms Model focuses on avoiding negative states such as pain, distress and hunger in order to minimise suffering.

The Five Domains Model goes beyond this, with greater focus on the mental state of an animal (how an animal ‘feels’) and the goal of giving animals a good life.

Our mission is to improve the welfare of NZ’s animals in both the farming and pet care sectors, focusing on positive animal welfare outcomes.

We believe the Five Domains of Animal Welfare is the best fit for this purpose.
Learn more

Why choose SPCA Certified

More animals are getting what they need for a good life.

Supporting the farming and pet care sectors to raise the bar of animal welfare.

We’re independent – SPCA Certified is an animal welfare certification you can trust.

Our impact


Over 50 million farmed animals in New Zealand benefit from a higher standard of care through SPCA’s farmed animal certification.

We believe we can continue to raise the bar of animal welfare for even more animals in New Zealand.

You can choose to make a difference