Farmed animals
Results 1-10 of 13, sorted by relevance
Battery cages are gone, but caged hens are not
On 1 January 2023, a ban on battery cages for egg-laying hens came into effect. But eggs from caged hens, colony eggs, are still being sold.
Improving animal welfare for layer hens
SPCA Certified improves layer hen welfare by holding producers to higher standards than the minimum required by law.
Benefits of shade and shelter for meat chickens and layer hens
Shade and shelter not only allow chickens to manage their own temperature requirements to avoid discomfort but have additional benefits for their welfare.
Benefits of shade and shelter for beef and dairy cattle
Shade and shelter not only allow cattle to manage their own temperature requirements to avoid discomfort but have additional benefits for their welfare.
Improving animal welfare for meat chickens
SPCA Certified improves meat chicken welfare by holding producers to higher standards than the minimum required by law.
Improving animal welfare for beef cattle
SPCA Certified improves beef cattle welfare by holding producers to higher standards than the minimum required by law.
Environmental enrichment for chickens under SPCA Certified standards
Adding appropriate environmental enrichment for layer hens and meat chickens can have a positive impact on their mental and physical well-being, resulting in a farming system that’s better for the bird, the farmer, and the consumer.
Fish welfare matters because fish have feelings too
Fish are sentient, meaning they have feelings and complex emotional and social lives, and their welfare should therefore be considered in the expanding aquaculture industry.
Improving animal welfare for dairy sheep
SPCA Certified improves dairy sheep welfare by holding producers to higher standards than the minimum required by law.
Cow brushes – improving animal welfare one scratch at a time
The right kind of environmental enrichment for dairy and beef cattle can improve their welfare, resulting in a farming system that’s better for the animals, the farmer, and the consumer.